Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Heaven isn't too far away...

I'm not sure what Heaven looks like, but I sure hope it looks a little something like this:

John and I took our first trip to Lake Tahoe last week to celebrate our two year anniversary and I tell you what...With views like these, we were all but packing our bags to move there. It could not have been more beautiful. The air was fresh, the skies were clear, and the views were breathtaking.

We drove the entire trip surrounded by mountains which were covered in rockface on one side and powdery white snow on the other. I'm sure my car dancing kept John entertained as well!

For those of you who are not as geographically inclined, Lake Tahoe runs along the border of California and Nevada nestled in the Sierra Nevadas mountain range.

We stayed near the Heavenly Mountain Resort, which boasts some of the highest elevation of any snow resort in the country.

We also made sure to do the tourist-y thing when visiting Tahoe...
which is to go on a gondola ride of course!

And took full advantage of the sweeping panoramic views on top of the observation deck.

And of course I did some horsing around too. I'll spare you the slow-motion videos I made John take of me...

John even let me fulfill my lifelong dream of snow tubing!

The views at the top of the tubing hill didn't suck either. (Of course.)

After a few hours, we made our way down the mountain for some afternoon pizza and libations at Basecamp Pizza Co.  Amazing food. And drinks served in mason jars. Delightful!

And then we headed back towards the lake to catch this beautiful Tahoe sunset.
(Pssst...this was the very best part of Tahoe. By far, my favorite moment from the entire trip.)

We even saw two cute little ducks pass by while we laid in the sand. I called these "love ducks." :)

Then we had to doll up to make our romantic dinner reservation at Edgewood Restaurant,
which did not disappoint!

And we gambled too.
I won $200, spent half of it on fun while we were there and gambled the rest away the very next day. No surprise there!

All in all, we had a wonderful trip and made memories we'll cherish for a lifetime. 
I'm ready to go back already! Maybe in the summer.

Until then...

Happy thoughts to you and yours!

Friday, February 14, 2014

ValenTIME to get with it...


Finally, the day everyone waits for all year long! Well maybe not all year long, but they definitely start thinking about it once February rolls around, no?

We probably all have our different reasons for what Valentine's Day means to us, but I think its really quite simple.

In case you forget the rest of the year to show at least ONE person in your life how much they mean to you, VDay is for you! You get a clean slate, grandiose opportunity to spell out in heart shaped letters your affection for another person. And no one will poke fun or laugh at you for your goofy gestures. Well maybe they will...but it's endearing and thoughtful! And everyone loves to be showered with gifts. Especially chocolate covered ones...mmmmm.

On the other hand, I think Valentine's Day is the perfect time to express that which you are most passionate about. Whatever it is, make it count. Ignite whatever flame you have for one person, one project, or one passion and go after it wholeheartedly.

Instead of sending candy grams and flowers to your significant other (or to yourself...whatever works for you), pour your energy into a passion project that will surpass a lifetime's worth of Valentines. Because nothing makes those we love happier, than to see us succeed. And nothing will last more than the legacy we leave behind for others.

So I encourage you to spend this day with someone you love, but also invest it in your own self-love bank with whatever makes you right with your soul. Take all the kinetic, loving energy in the air and do something BIG, life-changing and purposeful. TODAY.


 To your passionate adventure,

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A once in a lifetime opportunity...

A Night at the Grammys

This past week, I had the enormous opportunity to work the 56th Annual Grammy Awards.
As an avid student of music, I cannot begin to tell you what an incredible experience it was to be a part (any part!) of such an esteemed organization as the Recording Academy and production of the Grammy telecast.

Here I am in a candid moment on the red carpet (without a headset on, a production lanyard around my neck, or a seating chart in my hand)! A great guy working with me insisted that we capture this moment, it being my first time at the Grammy's, much less working them. He said that in all of his years of production, he never used to have anything to remember the moments by, so he finally started taking pictures and capturing the moments. I'm so glad I listened to him and got this picture I will cherish forever.

Here are some behind the scene photos from rehearsals and backstage.

I cannot describe to you what it feels like to sit in the room in seats where so many have been honored by an assembly of their peers for their work in this industry. Not to mention the only opportunity I may be able to sit in the front row. Woah. Beyond cool.

I even ran into some old friends and made some new ones!
Here I am with one of my long-time mentors, and talented songwriter Mr. Bruce Roberts.

And the man who helped arrange this awesome opportunity, and my dear friend, Nick DiFruscia who works with The Recording Academy.

My new favorite partner in crime, Kevin Wilson aka Smooth Jazz.

And everyone's favorite choreography couple from So You Think You Can Dance, NappyTabs. 
(And can I just say, they are just as lovely in real life as they seem on TV, maybe even lovelier.)
Highlight of my Grammy experience meeting these two.

Here I am with headset on and seating chart in hand. 
"Hey you (insert celebrity musician here)...I need you to move so I can put P!NK's dancers in your seat to twist her in the air for her performance."
Don't mess with a woman on a headset.

Every seat was filled. Even the tippy top ones at the back of the arena. INSANE.

And who could forget the performances!

With much appreciation, I send a big thank you to my Aunt Deb for the TV freeze frame below which captures my official credit at the end of the telecast. Seeing this definitely solidified this experience as one to mark off the bucket list. 

Ever since I was a little girl playing poolside while my mother basked in a lounge chair blasting Led Zeppelin from her boom box, I knew that one day I would be involved in this industry. 
Music has always inspired me and continues to inspire me now on a daily basis.
What a full circle moment to realize so many of my dreams fulfilled in this one amazing night.

I can't help but stop and soak it all in, realizing that this event, this opportunity, is only one in a long line of many more to come. I see my dreams and goals being fulfilled on a daily basis and count myself so fortunate to do what I do. I chalk a lot of it up to positive affirmations and steadfast persistence, but ultimately, a LOT of hard work.

So stick with it. When you think you've done all there is and you couldn't possibly do more...

** You never know what awaits you on the other side of possibility **