Finally, the day everyone waits for all year long! Well maybe not all year long, but they definitely start thinking about it once February rolls around, no?
We probably all have our different reasons for what Valentine's Day means to us, but I think its really quite simple.
In case you forget the rest of the year to show at least ONE person in your life how much they mean to you, VDay is for you! You get a clean slate, grandiose opportunity to spell out in heart shaped letters your affection for another person. And no one will poke fun or laugh at you for your goofy gestures. Well maybe they will...but it's endearing and thoughtful! And everyone loves to be showered with gifts. Especially chocolate covered ones...mmmmm.
On the other hand, I think Valentine's Day is the perfect time to express that which you are most passionate about. Whatever it is, make it count. Ignite whatever flame you have for one person, one project, or one passion and go after it wholeheartedly.
Instead of sending candy grams and flowers to your significant other (or to yourself...whatever works for you), pour your energy into a passion project that will surpass a lifetime's worth of Valentines. Because nothing makes those we love happier, than to see us succeed. And nothing will last more than the legacy we leave behind for others.
So I encourage you to spend this day with someone you love, but also invest it in your own self-love bank with whatever makes you right with your soul. Take all the kinetic, loving energy in the air and do something BIG, life-changing and purposeful. TODAY.
To your passionate adventure,