Today, I received my first piece of business mail at my official business address. It hadn't felt real until that moment I suppose. As if the last year of efforts I've put towards it didn't justify the reality of it all! And now this tiny piece of paper suddenly gave levity to the situation and made it truly real for me. Funny how that happens. It's like I needed tactile evidence that my dreams of this business are indeed turning into a reality.
Along with this brief moment of excitement today came immediate overwhelm and anxiety too. Oh shit. What am I doing? Who am I to think I can do this? I think I'm going to be nauseous. In a few short months, I am on my own. No plan B. No backup plan.
My biggest fear? Failure. My biggest problem? Self doubt.
With so many hurdles ahead, I stop to think that this must be what every new business owner goes through. A roller coaster ride to self discovery and figuring out how to take one day at a time, but never biting off more than you can chew. After all, as my wonderful boyfriend says, "You can't eat an elephant in one bite, Molly."
Ha! He'd probably laugh if he knew how many times in a day I tell that to myself every time I want to throw my hands in the air and give up for fear of being anything short of perfect. Thank goodness for his constant encouragement and charming ability to keep me laughing. I probably would've given up a million times already without his smile pressing me onward and keeping me centered.
But this is me. I'm up and down and all kinds of around. I AM a roller coaster. And although that may sound scary to some, I have to believe its pretty exciting to most. My life's journey has not been easy. Nothing has been given to me. I've earned my experiences as well as my accomplishments. And I put my whole heart into everything I do. With that, I start a new chapter in my life. As a business owner, an entrepreneur, a creator, an explorer, a dreamer. Dream big. Or wake up empty.
I will not live a life unfulfilled. I am not perfect. I can always be more. I can always be better. But I will accept where I am and acknowledge where I'd like to be. But always remember that the treasure lies on the road to success. Not at the destination.
I'm so excited to be in this place. And I can't wait for the adventures that await me...
I am My Own Molly. The buck starts and stops with me. And THAT feels great.
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